⬆️ You can still access your Spot wallet until January 31, 2024 by closing this page using the X button at the top.
Spot will shutdown
on January 31, 2024
What will happen?
After January 31, 2024, you will only be able to retrieve your Spot recovery phrase in order to import your crypto in another wallet.
Will I lose my crypto?
No, you won't lose your crypto stored in your Spot wallet after January 31, 2024. You just won't be able to use Spot to send, receive, etc.
The only mode available after this date will be the recovery of your seed phrase, in order to access your crypto from any compatible wallet.
Spot will never ask you for your recovery phrase
Beware of scams. Spot will NEVER ask you for your recovery phrase, or to perform any transfer.
Option 1: send your funds now
available until January 31
You can still send your crypto to another wallet until January 31, 2024. Please follow this tutorial to do so.
Option 2: restore your Spot recovery phrase in a compatible wallet
Spot is compatible with most wallets.
Please follow this tutorial to restore your Spot wallet elsewhere.